Monday, May 26, 2008


During the week of May 12, 2008, I made five predictions, one per day.

Day Two’s prediction was this:
The Great Texas Polygamy Bust. Every expert on every news channel is talking about how the women in the Dorado polygamist compound are brainwashed, victimized, abused and little more than psychic prisoners. Yet I predict that these ‘pathetic victims’ will demonstrate enormous resilience when standing up to… the law enforcement teams that swooped in to save them and their kids. I further predict that this will prove to be a Texas-size legal disaster. New phrase: busters’ remorse.

Here we are, still in May, and that one has already come true. As almost everyone by now knows, a Texas appeals court ruled that the state took the children illegally. And while the government is appealing that decision, as I predicted, the women of the compound are united… against their ‘rescuers.’

As for the 31 pregnant or mothering ‘minors,’ it turns out one of them is 27, and the overall number may actually be between one and five.

And check this out:
Despite the judge who ordered the removals asking the state to do everything possible to keep children from the same families together in foster care, many parents say their children are scattered across the state. Several are spending hundreds of dollars, driving thousands of miles each week to visit children that are up to 900 miles apart.
Also, many parents are complaining that their children have had religious texts taken from them, specifically, The Book Of Mormon.

That’s from NBC, and I thank Shannon Walton for bringing it to my attention. Here's the link:

Further prediction: Expect lawsuits against the State of Texas to bloom like prairie flowers.

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